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Write to Heal: Journaling Interest Group

Public·9 members

Hi my name is Farah. I was wondering if there's any instructions on how to use this group. I'm confused as to what we do here.

Conscious Coore

Hi Conscious, I don't think I answered any questions.

May 7, 2024 · joined the group along with .

Hello @Stacey Palmer @Jawana Brooker @Erica Torres @Brittani @Melissa ❤️❤️ You may not have gotten the survey for this group but you were added to it if you joined the write to heal group but were unable to attend. Quick Question: would you be interested in the group if it were held at a different time of the week or day?

Conscious Coore
May 7, 2024 · added a group cover image.
Farah Doris
May 7, 2024 · joined the group along with Melissa.


Write to Heal Book Clubs are ongoing safe spaces for members...



Faith-infused mental health education and therapy access for women of color. 

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